Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Finally, Apple Unleashes New MacBook Airs

Produk Apple sekarang sudah jadi lambang prestise untuk kalangan yang lebih luas dari sebelumnya. Tidak hanya terbatas dari kalangan desain grafis saja.

Terlepas dari hal itu satu hal yang patut diteladani dari Apple adalah kemampuan mereka dalam berinovasi.
Amplify’d from www.wired.com
The MacBook Air will come in two flavors: a 13.3-inch model and an 11.6-incher. They both will come thinner and lighter than their predecessor, with improved battery life that’s similar to the iPad’s, the company said.
“We asked ourselves what would happen if a MacBook and an iPad hooked up?” Apple CEO Steve Jobs said. “It’s one of the most amazing things we’ve ever created: It is our new MacBook Air, and we think it’s the future of notebooks.”
show that Apple is trying to redefine the PC market the same way it has tackled the tablet and smartphone markets.
Instead of merely selling hardware, the company seems to be positioning itself as a vertically integrated vendor of mobile devices, selling hardware and software, as well as controlling the marketplace through which customers purchase software.
“We think all notebooks are going to be like this one day,” Jobs said.
Read more at www.wired.com

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