Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Updating antivirus ClamAV

Sempat dibuat pusing gara-gara antivirus ClamAV tidak mau diupdate dengan perintah freshclam. Ternyata sumber masalahnya ada di file konfigurasi : /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf.
Di sistem saya isinya seperti ini:
# Automatically created by the clamav-freshclam postinst
# Comments will get lost when you reconfigure the clamav-freshclam package

DatabaseOwner clamav
UpdateLogFile /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log
LogVerbose false
LogSyslog false
LogFacility LOG_LOCAL6
LogFileMaxSize 0
LogTime no
Foreground false
Debug false
MaxAttempts 5
DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav/
AllowSupplementaryGroups false
PidFile /var/run/clamav/
ConnectTimeout 30
ReceiveTimeout 30
ScriptedUpdates yes
CompressLocalDatabase no
# Check for new database 24 times a day
Checks 24
# Proxy:
HTTPProxyPort 8080
Nah, ternyata masalahnya adlah pada waktu saya menginstall kemungkinan saya menggunakan proxy. Pada saat update saya tidak menggunakan proxy apapun, di sinilah error terjadi.
mimi@mamakomp:~$ host domain name pointer
Solusinya adalah dengan membuat tiga baris terakhir pada file konfigurasi tersebut menjadi komentar.
# Proxy:
# HTTPProxyServer
# HTTPProxyPort 8080
Setelah itu updating berhasil dilakukan seperti berikut:
mimi@mamakomp:~$ sudo freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Tue Mar 31 23:36:03 2009
WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.94.2 Recommended version: 0.95
main.cld is up to date (version: 50, sigs: 500667, f-level: 38, builder: sven)
Trying host (
WARNING: getfile: daily-9081.cdiff not found on remote server (IP:
WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-9081.cdiff from
WARNING: getfile: daily-9081.cdiff not found on remote server (IP:
WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-9081.cdiff from
Trying host (
WARNING: getfile: daily-9081.cdiff not found on remote server (IP:
WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-9081.cdiff from
Trying host (
WARNING: getfile: daily-9081.cdiff not found on remote server (IP:
WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-9081.cdiff from
Trying host (
WARNING: getfile: daily-9081.cdiff not found on remote server (IP:
WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-9081.cdiff from
WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd
Trying host (
Downloading daily.cvd [100%]
daily.cvd updated (version: 9187, sigs: 37764, f-level: 41, builder: ccordes)
WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Current functionality level = 38, recommended = 41
Database updated (538431 signatures) from (IP:


Bahkan di Amerika Serikat pun, solidaritas masih ada


In the neighborly spirit synonymous with North Dakota, some people have given out their phone numbers on radio talk shows, offering shelter to any listeners in need. The generosity is so common that even as thousands of people are driven out of their homes by the overflowing Red River, most storm shelters are virtually empty.

"There is a different flavor up here -- the type of hardworking ethic and the people helping each other up here that you don't see in a lot of cities," said Tom Hlady, who signed up through his church to take as many as nine people into his five-bedroom home.

On Monday, weary residents were grateful to see the Red River retreating after its steady, threatening climb last week. But they faced a new threat: an approaching snowstorm expected to kick up wind-whipped waves that could threaten the sandbag levees. The storm was expected to arrive Monday afternoon and persist through Tuesday evening.

Locals don't consider the outpouring of kindness at all unusual.

Their 138-year-old city was ravaged by a fire more than a century ago and tested often over the years by the Red River. Fargo, they say, is a survivor, and one neighbor watching another's back is a way of life.

Hlady and his wife are leaving this week for a vacation in Phoenix. They planned to give their home's keypad security code to the church for anyone who needs a place to stay.

"People can go in, use our food, our beds and do whatever they need to do," Pam Hlady said.

Red Cross spokeswoman Courtney Johnson said emergency shelters are being used by a relatively small number of flood victims.

On Sunday night, three shelters in Fargo, Grand Forks and Moorhead, Minn., hosted just 257 people, including about 30 firefighters. That, Johnson said, suggests that most families found other places to stay.

The spirit of outreach is all over news radio.

When sandbaggers were needed urgently in nearby Hendrum, Minn., broadcasters repeatedly gave driving directions to volunteers, and hundreds of people turned out to save the town. When someone requested a windshield for emergency airboats, a listener volunteered to make one.

One caller to WDAY said he had delivered a bunch of pizzas to the Fargodome stadium, where the sandbagging effort was based. Then he called back to say he would fetch a bunch of crayons, coloring books and puzzles.

"Where do kids need them?" he asked.

Sarah Sebranek, a social studies teacher at Fargo North High School, has seen it at every turn.

Last Tuesday, when the sandbagging effort intensified, more than half of her students did not show up for classes. When her church offered free day care so parents could help fight the floodwaters, the Red Cross showed up unannounced with peanut butter and jelly, snack chips and pint-sized cartons of milk.

Some parents who were not members of the church came by to help watch the kids. Women there had sandwich-making parties, helping feed National Guardsmen and other sandbaggers.

"We're not heroes," Sebranek said. "We just rise to the occasion."

MacKenzie Blume, a 28-year-old mother of a toddler, joined the Hladys in signing up to share her home. Her preference: Someone with a child who might enjoy her son's toys.

"I guess we do unto others as we would want done unto us, the Golden Rule thing," she said.

Jim and Bonnie Myers saw the love firsthand on Friday, after their home just north of Moorhead burned to the ground because firefighters could not get past floodwaters.

The couple, both 73, fled to a Fargo hotel, where strangers showed up with roasted chicken, cole slaw, brownies and clothing. A woman even dropped off some homemade quilts and, for the diabetic Jim, a blood-sugar monitor.

"I find it very touching, very giving," said Jim, a retired trucker. He said the charity often comes from "people who still have to fight their own fight" to save their homes.

Jay Thomas, a WDAY radio personality who has helped orchestrate the gestures of kindness, says what's happening is not out of the ordinary.

"Up here, it's the way we do things," he said.

At the Hladys' church, senior pastor Bob Ona said he feels blessed to live in such a tight-knit place.

"This will be one of those markers that we will all talk about for the rest of our lives -- how people helped each other out," he said. "I think it really makes the place attractive."

"It's good, and it's probably going to stay that way for a long, long while."

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Diambil dari :

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Alm Hoegeng, pintar atau bodoh menurut ukuran sekarang ?

Ini bukan kata saya lho...

...Di Indonesia ini hanya ada tiga polisi jujur, yakni polisi tidur, patung polisi, dan [alm] Hoegeng. Begitulah setidaknya menurut Abdurahman Wahid...

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

What you don't know can ...

He knows no Fear
He knows no Danger
He knows NOTHING

(Johnny English)

Bila ku mulai sok tau, sok gagah, sok berani...ini bisa ku ingat.

Sloppiness And The Direct Hit

Saya tidak tahu apakah judul tulisan ini benar menurut tata bahasa Inggris. Lumayan juga seandainya ada film yang judulnya seperti itu.

Judul tulisan ini berasal dari "teguran langsung" yang dilakukan oleh keponakan saya. Sehari sebelum hari raya nyepi, keponakan saya bercerita tentang rencana kegiatan mamanya. Lalu mengatakan bahwa besok hari libur. Lugunya, saya nyeletuk,"Lho besok libur ya ?." Kontan hampir tanpa jeda si keponakan yang lucu mendaratkan pukulan yang telak, "gimana sih om ini, kok pak ***** gak tau besok libur." Sambil menyebutkan profesi saya.

Wah malu besar, saya tidak bisa berkata apa-apa lagi. Belum jadi kebiasaan saya untuk "jualan obat", paling-paling masih sebatas sedikit ngecap.

Kejadian kecil dan remeh ini mengingatkan saya kembali tentang apa itu integritas. Orang banyak menyangka bahwa keutuhan diri hanya tentang tidak korupsi uang. Padahal jauh lebih luas dari itu.

Hari itu cacat integritas saya sebagi ***** (ah tidak tega menyebutnya) terlihat. Walaupun mungkin secara sosial saya masih agak beruntung karena penegurnya adalah kenponakan saya sendiri.

Di satu sisi saya percaya benar bahwa to err is human. Sebagai manusia saya tidak mampu untu meng-cover semua hal. Tapi saya juga percaya tulisan yang kalau diterjemahkan artinya kurang lebih berbunyi:
Pada integritas, tidak ada yang namanya cacat kecil.

Audacious vs VLC bentrok ?

Zaman dulu saya selalu menggunakan XMMS untuk memainkan file-file mp3. Belakangan setelah "tertambat" pada GNU/Linux Ubuntu, saya beralih ke Audacious. Belakangan saya menemui kasus, Audacious tidak lagi mau memainkan lagu-lagu yang ada (tag: audacious stops playing songs). Dicoba untuk reinstall pun sia-sia.

Saya perhatikan ini terjadi tiap kali setelah saya selesai menggunakan VLC dan RealPlayer 11. Jadi dalam kasus ini ada dua "tersangka" utama. Dari hasil Googling saya mendapatkan jawaban bahwa hal ini terjadi akibat "bentrok" konfigurasi dengan VLC. Selengkapnya

Re: Audacious vs VLC

This is related to the use of PulseAudio. Both VLC and Audacious support PortAudio natively.

You need to set VLC to use PulseAudio (Advanced, Audio, Output Modules) and Audacious Simply Select "Preferences -> Audio -> Audio System -> PulseAudio Output Plugin".

-- Answered by :mastermindg

Saya mencoba alternatif lain, yaitu saya langsung membuka Audacious dan mengganti pilihan di Current output plugin: (di bagian pilihan Audio System) menjadi ALSA output plugin.

Sejauh ini berhasil, saya bisa langsung memainkan file-file mp3 di Audacious.

Sekian trivia past midnight ngoprek.

Sumber solusi:

Tambahan referensi:

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Aku ingin sekali tidur

Malam ini aku ingin sekali tidur...
Tidur itu nikmat...sangat nikmat

Hargailah tiap menit yang telah kita lalui dalam tidur kita...
Tidak semua orang bisa menikmatinya pada saat yang diinginkannya

Aku ingin tidur

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

janganbikinmalu2009, aku sudah malu !

Dari janganbikinmalu2009 :

Nama caleg ini (menurut mereka) adalah Korup Bin Laknat.
Nama Partainya Gembel Tai

Silahkan kunjungi situs  janganbikinmalu2009

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

AVG free 7.5 hampir habis masa pelayanan updatenya

Untuk yang masih menggunakan anti virus AVG free 7.5, mungkin sudah mulai bisa untuk mempertimbangkan mendownload versi yang baru yaitu AVG 8.5 . Sebabnya AVG 7.5 tidak akan lagi mau di update langsung setelah 12 April tahun ini. Kabar tersebut saya terima baru hari ini lewat pop-up sewaktu update vir def avg.

AVG 8.5 yang free version sendiri memiliki besar file 59.8 MB.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Only The Paranoid Survive

Di dunia yang "bergerak" sangat cepat ini, duduklah dengan santai di tengah jalan.
Maka mereka akan menggilasmu, tanpa ampun....

Andrew S. Groove dengan Intel-nya telah membuktikan:

Only the Paranoid Survive
-- Andrew S. Groove

Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Light Up My Terminal, please :))

Eye candy, glow my black screen. Come on.
Cast your spell...

this picture was taken from : fashionmodeldirectory

Pembukaan pelatihan

Pembukaan acara pelatihan penulisan proposal penelitian Politeknik Negeri Samarinda (POLNES), hari pertama.

Semoga saja pelatihan ini akan lebih menyemarakkan geliat penelitian para dosen. Lebih dari itu semoga kehidupan kampus yang akademis, berlandaskan akal sehat, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dapat lebih terwujud mendekati bentuknya yang ideal.

Aristoteles pernah dicatat menyatakan bahwa seperti apa kita adalah hasil dari kebiasaan yang kita lakukan. Ayo bersama belajar lebih giat untuk berpikir lurus.

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Ironis, mencari-cari m$

Ironis, hari ini saya mencari-cari software M$ office. Gara-garanya OpenOffice tidak lagi mau bekerjasama seperti biasa. File doc yang isinya sertifikat jadi berantakan waktu dibuka dengan Writer. File ppt juga sulit diubah format layoutnya dengan Impress.

Daripada me-reverse terlalu lama akhirnya terpaksa keluyuran ke rental komputer. Ahhh seandainya saja proses peralihan ke OpenOffice di masyarakat lebih cepat , tentu tidak akan se-konyol ini.

Atau paling tidak saya berharap jika bekerja dengan M$, 'orang-orang' tidak memakai 'pernak-pernik' M$ office terlalu banyak.

Ayo kita pakai OpenOffice !!!

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Tambahkan waktuku :(

Catatan minggu ini:

1. BT3 usb ...done
2. Prolink WG2000/R (Ralink RT73)
    BT3 & Ubuntu managed mode ... done
    BT3 & Ubuntu monitor & injection mode ... done
3. TP-Link W322G (ZD1211B) ubuntu managed mode ... done
    BT3 ... fail, gagal total
4. RT73 & ZD1211B AP mode ... done
5. Mikrotik RADIUS ... test
6. TOEFL iso download ... done
7. Eclipse Ganymede CDT m$ & ubuntu ... done
8. Gedit (as IDE) ... done
9. Xubuntu live USB ...done
10. sorting hdd data ... 1/4
11. presentasi kuliah ... tertunda
12. fflush() ... done
13. fgets ... done
14. meta****** ... done :))
15. nes*** ... done :))
16. mafia wars ... 70
17. lab ... 1/3

Kutukan 24/7 :((