Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Guest Blog: Why we live in dangerous places

Natural disasters always seem to strike in the worst places. The Sendai earthquake has caused over 8,000 deaths, destroyed 450,000 people’s homes, crippled four nuclear reactors and wreaked over $300 billion in damage. And it’s only the latest disaster. Haiti will need decades to rebuild after its earthquake. New Orleans still hasn’t repopulated following Hurricane Katrina. Indonesia still feels the effect of the 2004 tsunami. The list could go on and on. The unfortunate lesson is that we live in dangerous places. 
We have built civilization’s cornerstones on amorphous, impermanent stuff. Coasts, rivers, deltas and earthquake zones are places of dramatic upheaval. Shorelines are constantly being rewritten. Rivers fussily overtop their banks and reroute themselves. With one hand, earthquakes open the earth, and with the other they send it coursing down hillsides. We settled those places for good reason. What makes them attractive is the same thing that makes them dangerous. Periodic disruption and change is the progenitor of diversity, stability and abundance. Where there is disaster, there is also opportunity. Ecologists call it the “intermediate disturbance hypothesis.” 
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis is one answer to an existential ecological question: Why are there so many different types of plants and animals? The term was first coined by Joseph Connell, a professor at UC Santa Barbara, in 1978.¹ Connell studied tropical forests and coral reefs, and during the course of his work, he noticed something peculiar. The places with the highest diversity of species were not the most stable. In fact, the most stable and least disturbed locations had relatively low biodiversity. The same was true of the places that suffered constant upheaval. But there, in the middle, was a level of disturbance that was just right. Not too frequent or too harsh, but also not too sparing or too light. Occasional disturbances that inflict moderate damage are, ecologically speaking, a good thing. 
To see how this works, let’s imagine a hypothetical forest, one that escapes disturbance for thousands, even millions of years. Eventually, it will be dominated by two species—a tree species that is best adapted to the type of soil, quantity of water and amount of sunlight, and an understory species that can best cope with limited sunlight under the canopy. No other species could possibly compete; eventually, two species would become the best plants for the conditions. While it’s a gross generalization, it illustrates the point. Stable environments can stifle diversity. 
This would not be the case in a more realistic forest, however, one that suffers from the periodic fallen tree, occasional fire or odd tornado. In the window opened by disturbances, other species would have ample opportunity to gain a foothold. If a tree falls, other species could bolt toward the sun. After a fire, herbs that sprout vigorously would have a leg up on previously dominant plants that bud languorously. Life explodes into the openings when given new opportunities. 
Biodiversity has flourished where the occasional disturbance kicks open a door. These places are also all the more stable for it. Diversity breeds stability. They are also richer in food and resources, two qualities that attracted our ancestors. The natural bounty of those places made the occasional hurricane or tsunami tolerable. 
Today, many of us don’t have the same problems our forebears did. We don’t need to live next to our food. Our water comes from a tap. We can drop our packages off at the post office. But the past is hard to escape. While the requirements of the last century may have disappeared, our cities have not. We are creatures of habit. 
Yet social inertia is not the only reason we still live in dangerous places. As aesthetically tuned creatures, we crave dramatic landscapes forged by catastrophe. California is celebrated for its tectonic rocky shores. Mount Saint Helens almost certainly has more visitors now than before it blew its top. The Mississippi River is responsible for untold hardship, yet it’s held up as an honored piece of Americana. 
That’s not to say that the Sendai earthquake or Australia’s Black Saturday bushfires will be lauded in the future. They are more than intermediate disturbances—they are real disasters. Yet in ecological terms, each would have been a small speed bump. What turns intermediate disturbances into natural disasters is population density. Earthquakes didn’t kill when our buildings didn’t require stairs. And though tsunamis still have always been devastating, they caused few human casualties before we built cities. Avalanches in remote parts of Alaska don’t usually raise eyebrows, but they are a constant concern for many villages in the Swiss Alps. Much of the handwringing over sea level rise is precisely because so much of the world’s population lives near the ocean. 
That’s not to say we should flee the coasts or abandon the breathtaking but dangerous places. Our fear of change may seem like a hindrance, but our stubbornness is also one of our greatest assets. Without overcoming intermediate disturbances like floods or sandstorms, there would be no Rome or Cairo. We live on a tumultuous planet where life has thrived under a regime of constant upheaval. Adapting is—and always has been—our last, best hope.

¹ Though he coined the term, two previous studies had described essentially the same concept.return
Connell, J.H. 1978. Diversity in tropical rain forests and coral reefs. Science 199(4335):1302-10. PMID: 17840770
Wilkinson, D.M. 1999. The Disturbing History of Intermediate Disturbance. Oikos 84(1):145-147. DOI: 10.2307/3546874.
The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai. Source: Library of Congress via Wikipedia.
About the Author: Tim De Chant is the creator of Per Square Mile, a blog about density, and a contributor to Ars Technica. He received his PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management from the University of California, Berkeley and was a AAAS Mass Media Fellow at the Chicago Tribune. You can find him on Twitter at  @tdechant and on the web at
The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Start-Ups: Don't Outsource Coding

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Nasihat yang bagus untuk yang memulai atau mengawali usaha.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Research practices must be changed to minimize fraud deception

In 1998, a study linking the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to autism in children appeared in a respected medical journal. For a decade, the study grabbed headlines worldwide. Worried parents rejected the life-saving vaccine for their children and those with autistic children agonized that they allowed an injection that caused the condition.

But the vaccine-autism research was a fraud. The paper was retracted 12 years later, denounced as an elaborate deception.

"The fraud in that MMR study epitomizes how fabricated research can lead to a domino effect of tragic consequences," says Vineet Chopra, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.H.M., assistant professor of Internal Medicine at U-M. "Patients fear potentially lifesaving interventions, clinicians alter practice and scientists and governments waste precious resources to evaluate researchers' claims."

Chopra expresses these concerns in a commentary published in the Journal of the American Medical Association March 23 with Matthew Davis, M.D., M.A.P.P., associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, internal medicine and public policy at the University of Michigan Medical School and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. They call for changes throughout the research process to adjust expectations for researchers that conduct studies, the journals that publish results and the public that responds to the findings.

Chopra and Davis emphasize the critical importance of equipoise-a state of genuine uncertainty on the part of the researcher as to what a study will reveal.

"In an era of increasing competition for funding and publication, researchers face mounting pressure to report the results they wish to see.," says Davis. "Of course, it's natural for the public to want unequivocal advances in understanding and the latest accomplishments in medical research. But research doesn't always yield those results.

"The key is for funders, journals, the media and the public to value equipoise in the research process, rather than only the results."

In their JAMA commentary, Chopra and Davis recommend steps to reach research equipoise:

1. Mandate the public release of all available data in connection with a study, as opposed to specific data associated with outcomes.

2. Reduce publication bias, in which medical journals accept and publish chiefly those studies with statistically significant results. This jeopardizes consideration and dissemination of research pertaining to findings on both sides of an issue, and influences investigators before research begins.

3. Shift the focus of public and private sponsors of research from outcome to process, affirming that study veracity is more valuable than results.

4. Train researchers to recognize, appreciate and root out biases in their work.

"Researchers may lie about their research for personal or political gain. They make front page news when they get caught, but they represent a small part of the overall picture. A broader problem occurs when a researcher conducts a study with an answer to their question already in mind. Their certainty, rather than genuine uncertainty, influences their investigation and reporting, leading to results that may not be accurate," says Chopra.

"Society demands research that is moral, ethical and honest. When this is not the case, both the public and researchers, even those telling the truth, lose."

Source: University of Michigan

Twitter: tweeting louder than ever


from: Guardian: Tech

As it turns five, the microblogging service is only getting bigger and more pervasive – and more important to journalism

'Just setting up my twttr", wrote Jack Dorsey, Twitter's co-founder and chairman, on 21 March 2006 at 12.50pm, Pacific Daylight Time. If you feel like lighting candles and baking cakes, that's 8.50pm GMT on Monday – marking the point at which Twitter, variously dubbed a social networking service and a microblogging service, turns five.

In that time it has woven itself into tumultuous events: the news that a plane had crash-landed in the Hudson River (with picture); the election protests in Iran; the rapid dispersal of the news of an 7.8-magnitude earthquake in China; updates from the ground about the terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

There have been less important moments – multiple billions of them, including Stephen Fry being stuck in a lift ("we could be here for hours. Arse, poo and widdle"); the race in 2009 between Ashton Kutcher and CNN to be the first past 1m followers (a contest rendered irrelevant by Charlie Sheen's meteoric rise this year); Sarah Palin's coinage of "refudiate"; and Clarence House announcing the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Twitter has become an endlessly flowing river of news, opinion, information, expertise, contacts, data, links, connections. You can not only find out what is happening, but connect to the people you're trying to reach more directly.

It's changed the relationship between media, fans and celebrities: the latter can dismiss a story within seconds of it appearing. (Though it has also proved a tabloid godsend, which can generate endless stories from celebrities' real tweets – especially after the PCC ruled that tweets are public statements.) And links to stories broadcast on Twitter are a new source of incoming traffic for news organisations - though presently far behind Facebook or Google.

The question now is: where will Twitter be in five years' time? It is still struggling to fin...

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found with BuzzBox News App on my Android phone

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Kamus Bahasa Indonesia: prasarana [n] segala sesuatu yg merupakan penunjang utama terselenggaranya suatu proses (usaha, pembangunan, proyek, dsb): jalan dan angkutan merupakan --penting bagi pembangunan suatu daerah

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Kamus Bahasa Indonesia [n] segala sesuatu yg merupakan penunjang utama terselenggaranya suatu proses (usaha, pembangunan proyek, dsb): jalan dan angkutan merupakan --penting bagi pembangunan suatu daerah

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Kamus Bahasa Indonesia [n] (1) segala sesuatu yg dapat dipakai sbg alat dl mencapai maksud atau tujuan; alat; media: masjid merupakan salah satu --pembangunan mental spiritual yg sangat penting; (2) syarat, upaya, dsb: cita-cita saya untuk menjadi notaris tidak terwujud krn kekurangan --

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Situs kamus bahasa Infonesia online

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

"Fukushima 50" Workers Risk Lives to Protect Japan from Nuclear Disaster

The earthquake on March 11th had shut off Fukushima’s nuclear power plant and halted its protective cooling systems. Now, a fire had broken out, and workers had been told that the plant’s radiation was now at levels that could be harmful to human health.

Hundreds of workers fled the facility immediately. But a group of 200 employees decided to stay behind to battle the blaze and contain the damage-—even though doing so could cause permanent health problems. The employees work in shifts of 50, which has given them the nickname the Fukushima 50.

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Belajar teknologi itu asyik

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BJ Habibie Ibaratkan Belajar Teknologi dengan Sex
Kamis, 17 Maret 2011 - 17:34 wib
Amirul Hasan - Okezone
BJ Habibie. (Foto : ist)

TANGERANG -  Mantan Presiden Indonesia ketiga BJ Habibie berpesan kepada mahasiswa agar membangun Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang terbaharukan dengan menitik beratkan beberapa poin.

Salah satunya ialah dengan bekerja keras menggunakan potensi diri yang ada.

Dia mengibaratkan, proses belajar teknologi itu seperti seseorang yang cinta dengan pasangan hidup yang diartikannya bukan hanya sebagai nafsu sexual saja.

"Saya lulus S3 pada tahun 1964. Modalnya cuma kertas, pensil dan otak. Kita harus mencintai pekerjaan yang kita lakukan," ujarnya, saat memberikan kuliah umum UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, di Gedung Auditorium Harun Nasution UIN, Ciputat Timur, Kamis (16/3/2011).

Pernyataan itu dilontarkan di hadapan Lebih dari 1.000 mahasiswa dari Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (Fisip), dalam kuliah bertajuk Teknologi dan Demokrasi oleh BJ Habibie. (rhs)


The Internet Classics Archive | The Enchiridion by Epictetus

The Enchiridion

By Epictetus
Written 135 A.C.E.

Translated by Elizabeth Carter

1. Some things are in our control and others not. Things in our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control are body, property, reputation, command, and, in one word, whatever are not our own actions.

The things in our control are by nature free, unrestrained, unhindered; but those not in our control are weak, slavish, restrained, belonging to others. Remember, then, that if you suppose that things which are slavish by nature are also free, and that what belongs to others is your own, then you will be hindered. You will lament, you will be disturbed, and you will find fault both with gods and men. But if you suppose that only to be your own which is your own, and what belongs to others such as it really is, then no one will ever compel you or restrain you. Further, you will find fault with no one or accuse no one. You will do nothing against your will. No one will hurt you, you will have no enemies, and you not be harmed.

Aiming therefore at such great things, remember that you must not allow yourself to be carried, even with a slight tendency, towards the attainment of lesser things. Instead, you must entirely quit some things and for the present postpone the rest. But if you would both have these great things, along with power and riches, then you will not gain even the latter, because you aim at the former too: but you will absolutely fail of the former, by which alone happiness and freedom are achieved.

Work, therefore to be able to say to every harsh appearance, "You are but an appearance, and not absolutely the thing you appear to be." And then examine it by those rules which you have, and first, and chiefly, by this: whether it concerns the things which are in our own control, or those which are not; and, if it concerns anything not in our control, be prepared to say that it is nothing to you.


5. Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things. Death, for instance, is not terrible, else it would have appeared so to Socrates. But the terror consists in our notion of death that it is terrible. When therefore we are hindered, or disturbed, or grieved, let us never attribute it to others, but to ourselves; that is, to our own principles. An uninstructed person will lay the fault of his own bad condition upon others. Someone just starting instruction will lay the fault on himself. Some who is perfectly instructed will place blame neither on others nor on himself.


Why Gaddafi Has Survived Libya's Rebellion

Why Gaddafi Has Survived Libya's Rebellion
By Vivienne Walt

As the G-8 leaders and the U.N. Security Council continued debating a no-fly zone over Libya on Tuesday, the country's capital erupted in wild celebrations after reports that Muammar Gaddafi's forces had retaken the crucial rebel-held town of Ajdabiyah - the last major obstacle on the road to the rebel capital of Benghazi. The question that may soon face the international community is, What if Gaddafi manages to put down the rebellion and survive in power?

Two weeks ago, journalists were landing in Tripoli, body armor packed, ready to witness the triumphant arrival of the rebels. Around that time, President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy had all declared it was time for Gaddafi to go, apparently confident that his collapse after 42 years in power was imminent. Those statements raised expectations of Western backing among rebel leaders and their ragtag fighters, but none has been forthcoming. As Western leaders remain locked in inconclusive debate on how to respond, Gaddafi's forces have blasted the rebels into retreat all the way back to Benghazi. Now, the rebels face impending disaster.

On Monday, as G-8 leaders meeting in Paris remained deadlocked over a no-fly zone, state-run Libyan television said Gaddafi's forces had retaken Ajdabiyah, a critical intersection in eastern Libya, after a day of heavy artillery and rocket fire from ships, planes and ground forces, according to al-Jazeera's reporters in the area. That sent Gaddafi's loyalists into the streets for hours of celebratory gunfire and fireworks, while drivers honked their horns long after dark. Earlier in the day, government forces had also reclaimed Zawarah, the last rebel-held town west of Tripoli.

Lebanon, backed by Britain and France, introduced a U.N. Security Council resolution Tuesday night to impose a no-fly zone, but if Ajdabiyah falls, that could come too late to save the rebellion. The town sits at the start of two highways, one snaking north to Benghazi, the other cutting east to the rebel-held oil port of Tobruk near Egypt. Rebel leaders disputed government claims that Gaddafi's forces had retaken Ajdabiyah. But with the specter of defeat looming, the rebels face grim choices of whether to flee to the Egyptian border or to dig in for a bloody fight to the finish in Benghazi.

Either way, Gaddafi's prospects for surviving the monthlong uprising seem to be steadily improving. With victory in sight, a confident Gaddafi addressed a gathering of tribal leaders and other supporters in his palace compound late Tuesday night, and raged against the "imperialism" of Western leaders. "You say Gaddafi is going to leave his country," he thundered, banging his fist on the table, railing against the U.S. and Britain. "They want to conquer Libya, they want to take our oil. Who gave them that right?"

If he defeats the rebels, he could exact bitter reprisals against eastern towns, with mass arrests and perhaps killings of those who led the rebellion. And beyond that, it's not clear how Western countries will relate to Libya, where U.S., British, Spanish, French and other Western oil companies have invested billions. In an interview in Tripoli last Thursday, Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi's powerful son, told TIME he was confident that those companies would seek a quick return to Libya. "Soon they will come back, and cut oil deals, contracts," he said. "We know this game." But his father said Tuesday that in light of the response of Western governments to the uprising, only Germany - which steadfastly opposed a no-fly zone - would be allowed to do business in Libya.

Though the war is not yet over, Libyans are already debating how Gaddafi's foes had managed to so overestimate the power of the revolt. Rebel leaders and Western governments, say some, badly misjudged Gaddafi's ability to survive - an exercise, perhaps, in wishful thinking. Sandwiched between Tunisia and Egypt, where peaceful uprisings had dispatched dictators, Gaddafi, who had ruled far longer than his neighbors, seemed to be the obvious next target. Saif and other key figures have admitted that the regime was badly caught off guard, and took a while to set their military strategy. Once they did, however, their battlefield prowess easily outmatched the rebels. "The West's interpretation was very, very stupid," says Mustafa Fetouri, director of the M.B.A. program at the Academy of Graduate Studies in Tripoli, who spent decades living in Europe. "They just gambled on the wrong thing, and made a huge, stupid mistake."

One crucial error by Western leaders, says Fetouri, has been to downplay Libya's complex web of tribal loyalties, which has helped to keep Gaddafi in power for more than four decades - an impressive achievement, given several assassination attempts and years of Libya being an international pariah under stiff economic sanctions. Some tribal alliances date back decades to the bloody rebellions against the Italian colonial forces before World War II, and even some tribal leaders who hold grudges against Gaddafi, for having failed to deliver services or cutting them out of certain privileges, rushed to his defense once the antigovernment demonstrations in Benghazi became an armed rebellion. For those people, says Fetouri, "they will die for Gaddafi, because he belongs to their tribe."

Gaddafi boosted his own forces by attracting volunteers ready to fight to hold Libya together, a sentiment reinforced when the rebels adopted the flag used by King Idris al-Sanousi, Libya's former monarch, whom Gaddafi overthrew in his 1969 coup. That flag, says Fetouri, "represents the misery my country lived through as puppets of the West." He cites one of his relatives - no fan of Gaddafi - who traveled 400 miles (640 km) to join the government forces against the rebels; he had driven from the Bani Walid area, the heartland of the Warfalli tribe southeast of Tripoli, which has long been the bedrock of Gaddafi's support. Fetouri, who says he himself had been tempted to join the antigovernment protests before they morphed into an armed rebellion, asked his relative why he was "fighting for Gaddafi." He said the man told him "it was about Libya the country, not Gaddafi."

On Tripoli's Green Square, where die-hard Gaddafi supporters have kept up round-the-clock pep rallies, with loudspeakers blasting patriotic songs day and night, a banner was strung between two trees this week, proclaiming to the leader, in English, "We are all willing to sacrifice ourselves for you." It looks like it may not require huge sacrifices to keep Gaddafi in power. TIME

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Rabu, 16 Maret 2011 - Terumbu Karang di Balikpapan

BALIKPAPAN, -Diperkirakan hanya tinggal 10 persen wilayah perairan Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur, yang panjang total pesisirnya 80 km, masih ada terumbu karangnya.

Nelayan baru beberapa tahun terakhir ini menyadari pentingnya terumbu karang setelah mereka kian sulit menangkap ikan dan harus melaut semakin jauh. Saat ini, terumbu karang hanya bisa dijumpai di pesisir wilayah Teritip (Balikpapan Timur) dan perairan sekitar Pulau Balang (Balikpapan Barat).

Menurut penuturan para nelayan, hingga awal tahun 90-an, masih banyak terumbu karang sepanjang pesisir Balikpapan. Namun, satu demi satu, terumbu diambil dan dirusak dengan bom maupun jaring pukat harimau. Menurut Darwis (39), nelayan di Pantai Manggar, Balikpapan Timur, dulu, ia dan kawan-kawannya beranggapan terumbu malah menggangu. Selain merusak jaring, terumbu karang yang tajam, dikhawatirkan merusak badan bawah kapal serta karamba milik nelayan.

Darwis yang sudah melaut sejak kecil ini, dulu sering mengambil terumbu dengan harapan makin leluasa menjaring ikan besar karena dasar pantai lebih lapang. "Ketika ikan mulai sulit didapat, barulah saya sadar. Terumbu karang sangat penting," kata Darwis, Selasa (15/3/2011). Tahun 1990-an, para nelayan di Manggar dan pesisir Balikpapan, bisa mendapat banyak ikan hanya dengan melaut sejauh 1-2 mil. Namun sekarang 10 mil lebih.

Menurut Kamarudin (30), nelayan lain di Manggar, akibatnya adalah, nelayan boros waktu tenaga, dan bahan bakar. Walikota Balikpapan Imdaad Hamid menegaskan Pemkot harus menggencarkan upaya pemulihan terumbu karang. Perusahaan harus digandeng untuk bekerja sama. "Sekarang, nelayan sudah mulai sadar ketika ikan-ikan mulai hilang karena tidak ada terumbu. Tiga tahun terakhir ini, tidak ada lagi perusakan terumbu," kata Imdaad, saat menerima bantuan sejumlah terumbu karang dari PT Thiess Indonesia, di Pantai Manggar, kemarin. Kepala Dinas Pertanian, Kelautan, dan Perikanan Kota Balikpapan Chaidar, mengutarakan, terumbu karang juga tak menggangu budidaya rumput laut nelayan. "Terumbu berada di kedalaman tiga meter, sedangkan rumput laut kan berada di permukaan," kata Chaidar.

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Tempointeraktif.Com - Wikileaks: Jepang Sudah Diingatkan Soal Nuklir

Wikileaks: Jepang Sudah Diingatkan Soal Nuklir
Rabu, 16 Maret 2011 | 13:12 WIB

TEMPO Interaktif, Jepang sudah diingatkan soal ancaman dan bahaya nuklir bila ada gempa besar dua tahun lalu. Hal tersebut terungkap dalam kawat diplomatik milik pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang dibocorkan WikiLeaks. Dalam kawat diplomatik itu seorang pejabat di Badan Energi Atom Internasional  (IAEA) pada Desember 2008 mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya terhadap gempa dan keamanan reaktor nuklir di Jepang. Menurut sumber itu, gempa bisa menyebabkan masalah serius bagi reaktor nuklir Jepang. Jepang lalu merespon peringatan itu dengan membuat bangunan-bangunan di reaktor itu tahan gempa berkekuatan 7,0 skala Richter. Namun gempa yang terjadi Jumat pekan lalu berkekuatan 9,0 skala Richter, bangunan itu pun rusak. Berbagai berita soal ledakan di reaktor nuklir membuat semakin tertekannya Perdana Menteri Naoto Kan. Dia juga dikritik soal penanganan krisis nuklir di Fukushima. Sebab kepanikan terjadi di berbagai wilayah di jepang setelah ada ledakan ketiga di reaktor Fukushima.  Pemerintah Jepang berusaha sekeras mungkin untuk menghentikan krisis nuklir. Mereka mencoba membatasi penyebaran zat radioktif dengan menyemprotkan air menggunakan helikopter. TELEGRAPH | PGR

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

What’s the difference between Cleared, Unreconciled, Reconciled, and Void?

What’s the difference between Cleared, Unreconciled, Reconciled, and Void?

Published by Kyle at 11:08 am under General

When entering in your Transactions, it’s important to understand the difference between types of transactions to ensure your records are kept in order. Many people misunderstand the differences between Reconciled and Cleared so hopefully this post will help clear it up.

Void: We’ll take the easiest one first “Void”. This of course means that the check is no longer valid and will not be going through your bank. You can use this entry on the BudgetTracker site a few ways; If you’ve already entered in a transaction and even though the transaction didn’t go through, you still want to keep a record that it was intended originally to go through (It’s also helpful to add some notes in your description in this case). The second reason is so that you can accurately record a check number in your registry without adding the amount to your balance. Most commonly, this happens when you tear up a check that was suppose to get sent out.

Unreconciled: The next one is Unreconciled. This is the state between when a check is written but has not been received by the bank. You can also use this for Transactions that have entered on your credit card but do not show up in your banking records online. This is the default for all new transactions since if you enter the transaction the same day you made the purchase, the bank most likely will not know about it yet.

Cleared: This means that the bank knows about your withdrawal or deposit and you confirm the transaction happened. If you look at your records online, you should see your transaction in either a cleared stated when you look through your bank records.

Reconciled: This is probably the most confusing one of them all since it seems very close to a cleared transaction. This is usually related to your bank records when you receive your statement at the end of the month allowing you to check off the transactions that you’ve marked cleared already. I think the common misconception of this one is due to the fact that people can now view their records online so many people think of the transactions they see online as their statement but it’s not. It helps to go through either your e-statement orone that was mailed to you just to double check that everything you’ve marked as cleared has been validated at the end of the month.

Hopefully this will help you understand how to setup your transaction types when entering them into the BudgetTracker system or your own money management preference.

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Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Google to Launch Major New Social Networ

RWW: Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today

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Jika BBM Dibatasi Spekulan Akan Menimbun

kompasdotcom: Jika BBM Dibatasi Spekulan Akan Menimbun

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Mengapa reaktor nuklir Jepang ada yg meledak

VIVAnews - Ini bahaya lain dari gempa bumi Jepang. Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir. Bahaya ini sama ngerinya dengan lindu yang merubuhkan gedung, tsunami yang melondong ribuan mobil, rumah, kapal laut dan belasan pesawat terbang, segampang banjir menghanyutkan sampah. Minggu 13 Maret 2011, pemerintah Jepang mengumumkan bahwa 160 orang dipastikan tercemar radiasi berbahaya, setelah pembangkit listrik tenaga nulir di Fukushima meledak. Sejumlah 60 orang tercemar ketika menunggu helikopter untuk evakuasi dari lapangan sebuah sekolah menengah atas. Dan 100 orang menunggu bus di tempat yang sama. …

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Fly high boy

The power at my fingertip, I love it ♡

test lagi

uji quickpic dengan pixelpipe

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Mereka yang sedang dalam program penurunan berat badan sering kali dilanda rasa bersalah setelah menghabiskan sepiring makanan tanpa sadar. Banyak hal yang bisa mendorong Anda makan berlebihan, salah satunya adalah kurang fokus pada makanan. Kami berikan tiga tips mudah untuk mengurangi porsi makan.

Pemandangan Langka Bakal Hiasi Langit

Menarik juga untuk dinantikan :-D

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8 Hari Lagi Pemandangan Langka Bakal Hiasi Langit  
TEMPO Interaktif, Bandung - Peristiwa langit yang langka akan terjadi pada 19 Maret mendatang. Saat itu, bulan purnama akan muncul dan jaraknya pada posisi terdekat dengan bumi. Fenomena tersebut hanya terulang tiap 18 tahun sekali.
Read more at - iPad 2 Diluncurkan, Anjing Pun Ikut Antre

DENVER, — Kira-kira 400 orang telah mengantre di Apple Store Aspen Grove, Littleton, Denver, Colorado, AS, untuk bisa membeli iPad 2 begitu produk baru tersebut mulai dijual serempak di seluruh AS pada Jumat (11/3/ 2011) sore waktu setempat. Dua pengantre pertama bahkan sudah berada di depan toko itu sejak malam sebelumnya.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Teknologi Atur Lalu Lintas

People, process, technology.

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Saatnya Teknologi Digunakan Atur Lalu Lintas
VIVAnews - Tren penggunaan teknologi informasi akan mendominasi dalam segala bidang kehidupan. Dalam kurun lima tahun ke depan, kota-kota besar di dunia akan memiliki sejumlah teknologi yang semakin memudahkan aktivitas manusia.
”Dampaknya, keterlibatan manusia semakin berkurang,” kata Presiden Direktur IBM Indonesia, Suryo Suwignjo di Yogyakarta, Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011.
Read more at - Butuh 5 Orang untuk Dandani

Apa kemelut bola ini akan segera usai

Bikin kaget ya?

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Blatter Terkejut dengan Kemelut PSSI

JAKARTA, — Presiden FIFA Joseph "Sepp" Blatter mengaku terkejut dengan kemelut yang terjadi di PSSI jelang kongres pemilihan Ketua Umum PSSI periode 2011-2015. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Ketua Umum KONI/KOI Rita Subowo dari pertemuan yang dilakukannya dengan Blatter di Zurich, Swiss, Selasa (8/3/2011).


Kalau alat penunjang keselamatan hilang

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Give Up Familiar Light Bulb? Not Without Fight, Some Say

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"Bill Gates: How state budgets are breaking US schools"

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