Solusinya sederhana:
Right click in the table, then Number Recognition: OFF (unchecked).
by Anthony Kuhn
The country's economy has continued to grow quickly despite the global recession. This has some observers wondering whether China's authoritarian political system has given it an advantage in promoting economic development.
Scholars such as Wang Zhengxu, a senior research fellow at England's University of Nottingham, see a pattern.
"In the early stage of economic takeoff, you normally need a strong government that can mobilize resources, that can concentrate government priority to the sectors that are important for the economy," he says. "In that case, a one-party or a more centralized system will have an advantage."
But Wang says it is the policies that matter more than the type of government.
... to think more deeply, and to articulate more clearly. ...
-- A Personal Note from William F. Gibson
JAKARTA, — Pemandangan di Terminal Kampung Rambutan, Jumat (18/9) siang, tak tampak seperti biasanya. Selain dipadati ribuan pemudik, puluhan gadis-gadis cantik pun tampak terlihat di sekitar terminal. Aksi mereka tak pelak "menyegarkan" situasi arus mudik yang biasanya hanya diwarnai oleh kekisruhan para agen dan kernet bus. ... - SPG di Terminal Kampung Rambutan
Orang melayu (seandainya bukan WNI semua) yang saya lihat beberapa kali ke supermarket rela untuk tutup mulut tidak mencoba menawar harga. Paling benter juga ngomel soal harga-harga yang memang naik. Mereka juga rela antri...baris seperti bebek saja. Gak gengsi lagi. Padahal di saat mengantri ATM tidak sekali dua kali saya menemui orang tanpa malu menerobos antrian, tanpa mimik tergesa-gesa apalagi bersalah. Padahal yang bersangkutan turun dari mobil mewah, bukan seperti kami para pengantri yang mengendarai motor bebek.
(idea) by 18thCandidate
The "art" of hacking is not just a description of how to program effectively. Rather, it is a description of a philosophy that one can apply to one's life. It involves the application of several perspectives and attitudes to your everyday life; you can cultivate these attitudes and perspectives through application of several techniques and actions in your daily life.
What is "Hacking"?
Most people mis-define hacking in a multitude of ways, or define it much more specifically than the term actually represents. Here is a proper definition of hacking:
hacking: The art or techique of manipulation of the inner workings of a task of any type, going hand-in-hand with problem solving.
In other words, hacking is the ability to discern, consider, and utilize the inner workings of anything in the quest to solve new and interesting problems. Many people apply this to computers specifically; this is because there are a great number of interesting problems to solve.
Hacking is not cracking; it has nothing to do with illegal entry into protected systems.
What is the Difference Between "Hacking" and Problem Solving?
Problem solving is basically a specific instance of hacking; one can hack without solving a problem. For example, reading a book and contemplating it does not directly solve any problems, but is most assuredly a form of hacking. On the other hand, writing a computer program is most assuredly both hacking and problem solving.
Problem solving is solving the problem; hacking is understanding the problem.
How Does It Apply To My Life?
Hacking is a mindset, a way of approaching everything in the world around you. Becoming a hacker of anything causes your perspective on the world to change greatly; a realization of the techniques used in hacking and applying them to other aspects of life brings about a feeling that is almost transcendent.
Beyond that, it adds a sense of direction to your life, something that has a great deal of value to many people. One never has to feel without direction any longer.
Fourteen Steps To Enlightenment
To actually achieve this requires some changes to your living style. Most of these are small changes that won't be widely noticeable to the outside world, but truly delving into the art of hacking may bring about some overall changes in your life.
You can feel free to skip any of these that you like, and attempt these in any order; however, each of these steps are important and should at least be attempted.
The overall goal with these steps is to make yourself hack various things, in order to discover the hacking processes that work for you. Through the repetition presented here, you will gradually find yourself incorporating these processes into your daily life.
1. Listen to challenging music, and think about what makes it challenging.
We're not talking about pop music here; we're talking about music that attempts new things and expresses conflicting ideas. The type of music you should look for is the type that causes a great deal of conflicting thought and reaction in your mind, merely from the music of the piece. But why is there a conflict, and what is the conflict? Pondering these issues serves to hack into the core of the music that you are hearing.
Some musicians to look into:
Greg Osby (acoustic jazz)
Isaac Stern (classical violin, esp. his version of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto)
Kongar-ol Ondar (world music)
Sutekh (techno/house)
2. Become a strong player at a "thinking" game (i.e., chess).
Although chess is a strong choice for a game to learn, it doesn't have to be your choice, particularly if you have a partner available to play against. Other strong choices include Twixt, shogi, and go. Duplicate bridge or contract bridge are also excellent choices, but require four players.
Your choices become much more limited, however, if you are a solitary person. Your best choice if you are alone is to pick up a top-quality chess-playing engine, such as gnuchess, Fritz, or Chessmaster, and play against a machine. Thankfully, these programs are quite good at teaching the game at a graduated pace.
The goal is to eludicate strategies on your own from experience playing the game. Much like the rest of life, all games are full of subtle patterns, and the strong players are the ones that can discern those patterns. Playing a game repeatedly will cause those patterns to be slowly revealed to you, and you'll gain skill in discerning those patterns.
Please continue to read on :
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Three miles up, three miles down!
Band of BrothersCredit dan link ke artikel orisinal:
Part one - Currahee
June 4, 1944
Upottery, England...
Sobel: "Where do we run?"
Easy : "Currahee!"
Sobel: "What's Currahee mean?"
Easy : "We stand alone!"
Sobel: "How far up? How far down?"
Easy : "Three miles up, three miles down!"
Sobel: "Now, what company is this?"
Easy : "Easy Company!"
Sobel: "And what do we do?"
Easy : "Stand alone!"
"The purpose of computing is insight -- not numbers".
"Numerical methods use numbers to simulate mathematical processes, which in turn usually simulate real-world situations. This implies there is a 'purpose' behind the computing. To cite the motto of the book, The Purpose of Computing Is Insight, Not Numbers. ...
This computing is, or at least should be, intimately bound up with both the source of the problem and the use that is going to be made of the answers--it is not a step to be taken in isolation from reality."
"... . Di dalam [praktik] dengan mudah seorang peneliti tergelincir ke dalam situasi dimana 'the purpose of computing numbers is not (yet) insight.' "
Lima langkah menuju keberhasilan
1. Start Early (mulailah di awal)
2. Start with Yourself (mulailah dari dirimu sendiri)
3. Start Small (mulailah dengan hal-hal yang kecil)
4. Start with the End in View (mulailah dengan merencanakan akhir yang diinginkan / capaian)
5. Start Now (mulailah dari sekarang)
Bagi rekan-rekan yang beragama Kristen, CMIIW, kata-kata indah tersebut berasal dari Franciscan blessing atau “Franciscan Benediction,” sebagaimana yang dikutip oleh Phillip Yancey dalam bukunya, Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?May God bless you with discomfort
at easy answers, half truths and superficial relationships
so that you may live deep within your heart.May God bless you with anger
at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people
so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.May God bless you with tears
to shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war
so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and
to turn their pain into joy.And may God bless you with enough foolishness
to believe that you can make a difference in the world
so that you can do what others claim cannot be done
to bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.
idiocracy (plural idiocracies)
... “if you even blink, you can get yourself in trouble.”
-- Doug McGowan, H-P Innovation Centers
Memilih pemimpin sering kali bukan hal yang mudah, banyak aspek yang harus dipertimbangkan. Salah satu yang kembali terlintas di benak saya, tapi tidak terlalu sering diungkap di media nasional adalah bagaimana perlakuan seorang pemimpin terhadap "orang-orang kecil". Kata-kata merakyat dan kerakyatan memang sedang laris-larisnya diobral menjelang pilpres. Tapi benarkah para pemimpin itu sanggup memperlakukan rakyat kebanyakan dengan perlakuan yang layak ?
Seorang pemimpin umumnya diasumsikan sebagai seorang yang terbaik di kelompok/masyarakatnya, seorang yang "besar". Sedangkan rakyat umumnya bermakna "orang-orang kecil" yang cenderung lemah dan tidak berdaya di hadapan kekuasaan. Menarik untuk meningat beberapa kutipan berikut, perihal hubungan "orang besar" dan "orang kecil":
“A great man shows his greatness by the way he
treats little men.”
-- Thomas Carlyle
[Kebesaran seseorang dapat dilihat dari bagaimana cara ia memperlakukan orang-orang kecil]
“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
-- Sir Winston Churchill
[Harga dari kebesaran / keagungan adalah tanggung jawab]
Orang kecil belum tentu bersalah karena belum menjadi orang besar. Orang kecil bisa jadi adalah orang yang taat hukum, santun, dan pandai dalam satu atau lebih bidang kehidupan. Bisa pula "orang kecil" menjadi apa adanya (tanpa harta dan tahta) karena memang tidak sangat tertawan hatinya dengan kemilau dunia. Lagi pula yang sekarang masih menjadi "orang kecil", di masa depan bisa menjadi "orang besar". Menzaliminya sekarang sama saja artinya kita menanam masalah. Jangan menabur angin kalau tidak hendak menuai badai di kelak kemiudian hari.Karena roda hidup memang berputar.
Sebagai bahan introspeksi, marilah belajar untuk bersama tidak menzalimi seseorang hanya karena dia "orang kecil". Tidaklah harta dan tahta yang selalu menjadi keutamaan seseorang. Seorang bisa menjadi "besar" dan bahkan mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik dengan kemulian perilaku, kemampuan berfikir dan keberanian bertindak.
Selamat memilih Presiden RI, memilih seorang pemimpin. Kalau kita tidak senang untuk memanipulasi dan menzalimi "orang kecil" maka bijak kiranya kalau kita pun tidak memilih seorang pemimpin yang berani menzalimi seseorang semata karena ia tidak memiliki harta dan tahta.
Tuhan lindungi kami selalu dari kezaliman diri kami dan orang lain.