Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Koneksi netbook / laptop melalui bluetooth ke modem hape

Setelah selesai menginstall GNU/Linux Ubuntu 10.10 ( Maverick Meerkat ) di HP Mini, saya ingin agar netbook saya itu bisa terkoneksi dengan Internet lewat berbagai cara. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan fasilitas modem di "hape" Samsung GT-B7320.

Fasilitas Internet Sharing di hape itu sangat mudah untuk dipergunakan, dan sudah sering saya pergunakan dengan menghubungkan kabel data USB ke netbook. Sekarang saya ingin menggunakannya dengan memanfaatkan koneksi Bluetooth.

Setelah mencari-cari dan mencoba-coba, akhirnya saya menemukan artikel di setelah gagal menerapkan beberapa artikel lainnya.

"How to: Connect to the Internet via Bluetooth"
"Alternative Internet Connection Via Bluetooth PAN"

Saya mengikuti petunjuknya dan berhasil, dengan perbedaan;

saya berhasil menerapkannya di netbook HP Mini walaupun contohnya untuk eeePC
saya menggunakan $ sudo gedit /etc/default/bluetooth
isi HWADDR pada perintah: pand --connect <HWADDR> -n ,misalnya
pand --connect A2:F7:43:DA:34:03 -n

Amplify’d from

Many modern phones do not use the standard GSM Modem dialup arrangements (*99***# etc.) - in fact they are not true modems at all in the sense of being MOdulator/DEModulators - instead they offer a fully digital network connection via a PAN - Personal Area Network - either via the USB port on the 'phone or via Bluetooth (Bluetooth PAN).

Mainly by following the guide at and some other sources I can't remember I have been able to set up a full Bluetooth PAN using a Win Mobile 6.5 3G phone and Easy peasy 1.5. The same configuration worked also with Easy Peasy 1.0.

Have the following packages installed with your favourite package manager apt-get, aptitude, synaptic. With Easy Peasy 1.5 most packages are probably already installed by default. I only had to install the first two packages.

  • bluez-compat
  • bluez-hcidump
  • bluez-utils
  • bluetooth
  • bluez-gnome

Now create a bluetooth bond (pairing) between your phone and the eeePC.

Open a terminal. On the command line, enter the following commands and taking note of the information where asked to.

$ sudo hcitool scan

Make a note of the hardware address of your phone as listed. You need it later as the <HWADDR>.

Use your favourite editor to edit "/etc/default/bluetooth". Please note you need sudo rights to save the file. I use vi.

$ sudo vi /etc/default/bluetooth

Edit the file by changing or adding the following line:


Also change or add the line:


Save the file.

Create a directory called "/etc/bluetooth/pan". Use your favoutite editor again to create a file called "/etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up" and put the following lines into that file. Please note to replace <HWADDR> with the noted hardware address of your phone.

pand --connect <HWADDR> -n
sleep 1
ifup bnep0

Save that file. The sleep 1 gives pand the time (1 second) to start.

Now, use your editor to create another file called "/etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-down" and put the following lines into it:

ifdown bnep0
pand -K

Save that file also. Make both files in /etc/bluetooth/pan/ executable:

$ sudo chmod 750 /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-*

Last file to edit: "/etc/network/interfaces". Add the following line to that file:

iface bnep0 inet dhcp

Save it and you're done!

Now fire up the PAN connection at your phone. When your phone has it's 3G connection established, run:

$ sudo /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up

Your eeePC should now make a bluetooth connection to the phone and establish a network connection with it.

When you're done, just run:

$ sudo /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-down

That will bring the connection down between the eeePC and phone.




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